The most spectacular carnival costumes in Venice

A women dressed in costume pulling a fake dog on a leash in Burano, Italy

I came to Venice to say carnival costumes. And I can honestly say, I saw some of the most spectacular carnival costumes in Venice that I could ever imagine!

From the moment we stepped off the Vaporetto from the airport in Dorsoduro a group of three were dressed head to toe in traditional Venetian garb. I was already in awe. And so happy I came all this way at the busiest time of year.

I thought to myself, wow, how lucky are we! I bet we won’t see much more of this and asked the threesome if I could snap a photo of them. They nodded and obliged.

Little did I know, this was only the beginning. I saw some of the most spectacular carnival costumes in Venice and colorful Burano. I couldn’t believe the lavish gowns, heavy headpieces and mysterious masks.

My favorite carnival costumes

  • A very colorful couple dressed in traditional Venetian costumes in Burano, Italy outside the most colorful house on the island
  • A very colorful couple dressed in traditional Venetian costumes in Burano, Italy

One of my favorites! Look at those artist pallet headpieces – talk about creative. In this photo, the couple is posed outside Casa Bepi. Casa Bepi is the most colorful house in Burano. Fitting, right?

A man dressed in a large cat costume posing on the canal

A fairytale find. My favorite part of this photo is the background. It’s quintessentially Venice. A gondolier rows by while curious onlookers peep out from the canal.

A women dressed in costume pulling a fake dog on a leash in Burano, Italy

This Barbie meets Dr. Seuss costume had me awing for hours. After looking over the photos again and again, I think it’s my favorite.

A person in a red Joker costume poses on a bridge in Burano, Italy

I love how casually this joker is posing on a bridge in Burano, Italy. And look how quiet the streets are behind them. The perfect place to escape the crowds during Carnival.

  • A row of people dressed in traditional Carnival costumes in Venice pose on a bridge
  • A row of people dressed in traditional Carnival costumes in Venice pose on a bridge

Forget the canals, forget the buildings, this was the coolest view I stumbled upon. A row of people posed to take a photo with the costume maker. She jumped in between them later and afterwards they all celebrated together. A Carnival success.

A man with a skull cane and large top hat poses in his traditional costume in front of a green house
A man with skulls poses in his traditional Carnival costume in Burano, Italy

On our Vaporetto ride from Venice to Burano, I saw this man’s head pop up from a private boat. Little did I know he was headed to Burano too for his photoshoot. Look at that skull cane.

A winter princess poses outside the houses in Burano during Carnival

A true snow Goddess. You can also see her posing behind the skull cane man above.

A couple dressed in traditional Venetian costumes and masks strolling the streets of Burano

This couple is just going about their daily business in the center of Burano. I loved how I was able to catch them looking at each other, hands held.

A woman with a crystal ball posing for her Carnival photoshoot in Burano, Italy

This woman stood still for very long. She stared and stared into her crystal ball.

A woman dressed in a traditional white costume with an umbrella sits by a canal in Venice during Carnival

How cute is that little umbrella? This woman was posing by a canal just off one of the main piazzas in Venice. And look at that cute little umbrella.

A colorful flower woman posing in Burano, Italy

I think this woman is going for a flower child look and totally crushing it. Earlier I caught her taking selfies. She clearly felt she was crushing it too.

A lasting impression

I’ve been to other Carnivals in the past. Most notably, Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Shortly after, I visited Aguilas while I was living in Spain.

That same year I visited Cadiz. Cadiz is similar to Venice. They have lots of tradition and lots of great seafood. Yet their costumes were incomparable.

If you love lavish and outlandish, you’ll love the carnival costumes in Venice. Worried about crowds? Don’t be I’ve got tips! And if you’d like to know more about the event year to year, check the Visit Venice site. Lastly, want a great costume? Amazon has plenty of Venetian masks and garb.

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