If you read my blog regularly, you probably know that I ran my very first marathon last year. Running a marathon wasn’t on my bucket list. I never even considered myself a runner. In fact, up until a few years ago, I didn’t even know I liked running. When I crossed the finish line at […]
A First Timer Hikes Mount Olympus
In 2009, I was not fit. I was not a hiker, and I most definitely was not prepared to hike Mount Olympus. For some reason I put these factors aside and signed up for a group trip to climb the tallest mountain in Greece. You would think I would start off with something a little […]
Castlexperience Wine Tours: Barcelona
Castlexperience Wine Tours When my family and I were planning our trip to Barcelona, I was hopeful, that we would be able to fit in a wine tour in addition to my 10 favorite activities. It was Easter week and we were only going to have 5 days in Barcelona. It seemed like a wine tour would […]
Skiing in Sierra Nevada, Spain
Andalusia is a part of Spain that I always associate with warmth, sunshine and beaches. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would be skiing in Sierra Nevada. Just the weekend prior I darned my bikini at the beach! How To Get To Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada is a short 45 minute […]