Moustiers and Lac de Sainte-Croix

Moustiers Sainte-Marie and the Lac de Sainte Croix are two must stop stops in Provence, France!

I spent the week before Christmas with my roommate and close friend, Doriane. Her family lives in Aups. Aups is a small village in the foothills of the alps on the Côte d’Azur. While there, Doriane and I made many trips up and down the winding hills to and from Aups. The highlights of our […]

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On Losing a Loved One Abroad

On Losing A Loved One Abroad. Coping with the loss from miles away and accepting your truth.

Living abroad comes with an encyclopedias worth of challenges. Moving into a new apartment, searching for simple amenities you had at home, losing touch with old friends, adjusting to an unfamiliar lifestyle, tasting local flavors, and learning a foreign language. On top of the everyday challenges, there are the rare and heartbreaking ones. The ones […]

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