Dear Madrid,
We first met over two years ago. My friend Stacy and I used you as a stop-over between Paris and Lisbon. I fell in love with Paris and Lisbon, but you… you and I just didn’t vibe.

Despite our not-so-memorable past, I decided to return to you. After eight months in Spain, I chose you as my final destination… or I guess you could say, you chose me. Your bustling airport was my only route back to the states. Instead of rushing right through you like usual, I decided to give you a second chance. I opted to spend my last two days in Europe with you.
I didn’t know if I was going to like you this time either, but I was traveling alone and I needed to be optimistic. I knew I could read every guidebook and scan every blog, but until I got to you, I just couldn’t know for sure.

I wanted to start fresh and erase our past. I was glad to find that you agreed this would be best. You invited me in with sunlight that bronzed and warmed my skin. Your residents were kind and helped me with my excessively large suitcase, as I nearly fell between the tracks and the train. My hostel was neat and tidy and offered me an excellent view down Gran Vía. So far, you were off to an impressive start.
I woke up fresh, and we began our morning together in the historic and supposedly beautiful Plaza Mayor. You invited me on a New Sandeman’s walking tour, and how could I say no to a free walking tour? So, I showed up on time and took in the square. Sorry Madrid, your Plaza Mayor isn’t exactly the most grand. Your neighbor in Salamanca and your distant cousin in Seville certainly have you beat. I was easily distracted by the young Dutch boys playing soccer and the Asian tourists with their umbrellas and cameras. You were under construction (I’m glad to see you are taking care of yourself) but still, the liveliness, the emotion, the spirit, …Spain, just wasn’t there.

The tour guide was intelligent and clever, but the sites were average. I saw the oldest restaurant in the world, kudos to you, Madrid. I learned about the bear and the cherry tree, I met your royal family and I waved to the ugliest of all your queens. All in all, there wasn’t too much to see. Mostly discussion about the places and the people who used to be.

Don’t get me wrong, I had an awesome day with you, Madrid, but it wasn’t you that made it unforgettable.
You see, I met someone else. I made a friend on the tour. Another American, who was traveling alone too. We decided to have a drink together… drinks that turned into a whole day.

You do know one of the secrets to my heart Madrid, my stomach. I’ll give you props there, you know how to impress a lady. My mouth salivated from the scent of churros and chocolate that filled the streets. My eyes widened at the sight of fresh fruits and vegetables in the open markets. My jaw dropped open at the impressive size of the oysters and squirmy baby eels at El Mercado de San Miguel. You even surprised me with unexpected Mexican food and margaritas.
Madrid, you sure know how to eat well. Thank you for that.

You have one other feature I find to be unordinary and rather magical. El Parque del Retiro is a nice escape from the infinite museums and the countless tourists. No, your beach is no beach and your paddle boats are quite unnecessary, but your Palacio de Cristal, now that is something special. The first time I found your Crystal House two years ago, I didn’t know it was there. I had never heard of it, we just sort of stumbled upon it. The inside is always filled with different exhibits that complement the beauty and invite outsiders in. Your Crystal House was welcoming, your crystal house was peaceful.

Of course, you know how to “fiesta”, Madrid. Everyone knows that about you. We visited many of your bars, a few restaurants, and a club. You are always awake and you are usually a cheap date. For that, I thank you.
So, I think you can see, Madrid, I don’t think you are all bad. You have good food, you have a beautiful park, you have cheap drinks, you have excellent company, but you just aren’t the city for me.

I like big cities. I like crowds. I like street performers. I like shopping. I like noise. I like good food. I like art. I like museums.
We just don’t connect. When I’m with you, Madrid, something is missing. Something just doesn’t feel right. Nothing feels special. I think we should keep some distance for a while, but I’m sure I’ll be back to see you again someday.
You gave me a day to remember, Madrid, I will be forever grateful.
Good luck, I hope you find who you are looking for.